Archives: Dog Care

  • Does Your Dog Have Allergies?

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    Did you know that up to one in every five of our canine pals may suffer from allergies? This is actually quite similar to the numbers for allergies in humans. About one in four people are thought to have allergies. That equates to almost 100 million individuals just in the United States! In this piece, a Mt. Airy, GA veterinarian discusses dog allergies. What Are the Most Common Allergies in Dogs? Skin disorders are possibly … Read More »

  • Common Holiday Hazards for Pets – What You Need to Know

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    The holiday season is a wonderful time filled with joy and cheer, but it’s important to remember that it can present some potential dangers for our beloved pets. While we decorate our homes and savor seasonal goodies, it’s crucial to remain vigilant about common holiday hazards that could harm our furry friends.   Read on as a local vet offers up some tips on how to keep your pets safe during the holiday season.   … Read More »

  • Fall Dog Treats

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    Autumn is in the air! The leaves are changing, and the temperatures are cooling off. Many of you are likely enjoying some of your favorite seasonal foods, whether that means a pumpkin spice latte, fresh apple cider, or candy corn. Our canine pals can also enjoy a few autumn classics. A local vet offers some tips on giving Fido some fall treats in this article. Pumpkin Yums For this one, you’ll mix pureed plain pumpkin … Read More »

  • How Do I Keep My Dog Entertained When Left Alone?

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    As much as we’d like to spend all our time with our canine companions, work and other obligations makes this all but impossible. And while it may be OK to leave Fido alone when you’re gone, boredom and even anxiety can get the best of him. When this happens, you’re likely to return home to what looks like a war zone or worse. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your furry buddy … Read More »

  • Why Is My Dog’s Paw Pad Swollen?

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    If you notice that your dog’s paw pads are swollen, it could be a sign of something serious. But before you panic and rush your pup to the vet, it’s important to determine if there is an underlying medical problem causing those puffy paws.    Read on as a local vet talks about some common causes of swollen paw pads in dogs.   A Splinter   Splinters can be painful, but they’re also dangerous if … Read More »

  • How Do You Know If Your Dog Is Allergic to Spring?

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    Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. Your lawn will be green and lush, the birds will be chirping, and the flowers will bloom. But spring can also be a time of sickness for your dog!    Dogs get allergies like humans do, and they can have allergic reactions to all sorts of things in their environment. Read on as a local vet discusses some common signs that Fido may be having an allergic … Read More »

  • Canine Flu

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    Did you know that your canine companion can get the flu? In fact, there’s an outbreak going on now. Fido’s version, canine influenza virus (CIV)–also often called the dog flu—is an influenza A virus. There are several strains, but the two that are most common in the US are H3N8 and H3N2. These strains are both extremely contagious, and are the culprits behind the current outbreak. A local vet offers some information on this below. … Read More »

  • Choosing Safe Dog Toys

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    December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month. This is definitely a timely topic for us. Our furry patients will be getting a lot of new playthings in their stockings this month! However, while one would like to think that any products made for Fido are guaranteed to be safe, that just isn’t the case. A local vet offers some helpful tips on choosing safe toys below. Materials One of the issues with toy safety is … Read More »

  • Tips on Keeping Your Dog Safe During Thanksgiving

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    Thanksgiving is a time for families to come together and eat lots of food, but it’s important to keep your dog safe during the holiday. Read on as a local vet offers some tips on keeping your dog safe during Thanksgiving. Doggie Dangers Pet owners should be aware of the dangers that may be present in their homes during the holiday, including leftovers with bones (which can cause choking), and cleaning products that are toxic … Read More »

  • National Pet Cancer Awareness Month

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    November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month, and you guessed it -just like humans, pets can get cancer too. In fact, cancer is the leading cause of death in older dogs and cats, so it’s important that we have the best resources available for the prevention and treatment of this disease. Read on as a local vet talks about National Pet Cancer Awareness Month and things you can do to lower your pet’s risk of … Read More »