
  • What You Should Know About Tick Borne Diseases

    Lyme disease is one of the most common tick transmitted diseases in the world.  This disease can affect dogs, cats, horses, cattle, birds, wild animals and people.  Lyme disease can be found in every U.S. state and every Canadian province.  Your pet can be exposed to these infections in almost any outdoor location where ticks can be found.  Dogs are 50% more likely to contract Lyme disease than humans. Your pet can very easily contract … Read More »

  • Keeping Your Pets Safe From Coyotes

    If their other resources are scarce, coyotes will prey on free-roaming cats and small dogs if given the opportunity.  Coyotes may have altercations with large breed dogs which may leave your pet injured.  Coyotes can also be carriers for diseases such as rabies, distemper (canine and feline) and parasites which may be contracted by your pet.  Coyotes are technically considered carnivores and will eat small mammals such as rats, mice, squirrels and rabbits.  But coyotes … Read More »

  • Rat Poison

    Rat poison is a bait-type poison which is flavored and scented to attract rodents.  Unfortunately it also attracts cats and dogs.  Most rat poisons are made of a concentrated anticoagulant chemical such as brodifacoum, warfarin, bromadilone, bromethalin and diphacinone.  They way these chemicals affect the animal is by causing an inability for the blood to clot.  Bromethalin can cause damage to the central nervous system.  If the animals clotting factors have been affected, then the … Read More »

  • How To Give Your Pet A Celebrity White Smile

    A lot of us are uncomfortable when it comes to brushing our pet’s teeth.  Although it may seem difficult at first, over time it can become a normal daily occurrence.  It is also vital to preventing dental disease and maintaining your pet’s overall health and well being.  If we are able to achieve daily dental hygiene with our pets we can prevent having to perform an expensive professional dental cleaning.  We can also avoid any … Read More »

  • Dental Disease in Dogs and Cats

    On average more than 90% or pets over 2 years of age have significant dental disease.  Out of that 90%, it’s estimated that 50 % require immediate attention.  Because of these high numbers we wanted to educate you on how to identify and prevent the progression of dental disease in your cat and dog. In order to fully explain in detail the process that is occurring in your pet’s mouth, we will start by defining … Read More »

  • What To Look For With Leptospirosis

    Leptospirosis is a disease that both animals and humans can contract.  It is caused by numerous different strains of the Leptospira bacteria.  Dogs can become infected from surrounding wildlife or through areas contaminated by infected wildlife.  This disease has been reoccurring in our area and the reason is believed to be caused by our increasing population migrating into the habitat of wild animals such as raccoons, skunks and rodents.  Leptospirosis is a very difficult disease … Read More »

  • Choosing the Perfect Kitten

    Most of us cannot resist the temptations of that free adorable kitten from the neighbour.  Owning a cat means committing to the financial, medical and daily care for that animal for the next 15 to 20 years. Cats can be more independent than dogs, but that does not mean that they do not require daily feedings, access to fresh water and litter box changes.  Cats can handle living is small quarters which makes them ideal … Read More »

  • Picking the Perfect Puppy

    Choosing a pet should be a decision made by the entire family, since the entire family will have a role in the commitment and care of the animal.  Have a cat or dog is a life-long obligation that should not be taken likely.  There are financial, medical, and daily responsibilities that are required for owning a pet.   The first year of your pet’s life can be expensive but it is an investment that can allow … Read More »

  • Haunted Halloween For Your Pets

    Although Halloween is a fun and excited time for us, it can be very scary and uncomfortable for our pets.  They don’t understand why there are numerous strangers ringing the door bell and coming into the house in funny costumes throughout the night.  The noises they hear from people outside, the colourful costumes, the ringing the door bell and the volume of people can cause your pet to be uneasy in their own home.  The … Read More »

  • Hazardous Household Items

    Many people know that there are many foods that we eat but are harmful to our pets to consume.  (Dangerous Foods For Your Pet)  We wanted to expand and discuss other household items that can be harmful to your pets. Garage: The items we keep in our garage or shed are never intended for our pets to get into, but it happens accidentally.  A door that was not properly closed can lead a curious nose … Read More »